Results for 'Mustafa Kemal Topçu'

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  1.  27
    Kobi'lerde Çalışanların Kişilik Özelliklerinin Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerine E.Mustafa Kemal Topçu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):861-861.
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    Comparison of lecture and team-based learning in medical ethics education.Levent Ozgonul & Mustafa Kemal Alimoglu - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):903-913.
    Background: Medical education literature suggests that ethics education should be learner-centered and problem-based rather than theory-based. Team-based learning is an appropriate method for this suggestion. However, its effectiveness was not investigated enough in medical ethics education. Research question: Is team-based learning effective in medical ethics education in terms of knowledge retention, in-class learner engagement, and learner reactions? Research design: This was a prospective controlled follow-up study. We changed lecture with team-based learning method to teach four topics in a 2-week medical (...)
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    Benlik Kurguları Ve Otantikliğin Özgecilik Üzerindeki Yordayıcı Gücünün İncelenmesi.Mustafa Kemal Yöntem - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):2291-2291.
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  4. The need to be unique and the innovative behavior: The moderating role of supervisor support.Mustafa Bekmezci, Wasim Ul Rehman, Muzammil Khurshid, Kemal Eroğluer & Inci Yilmazli Trout - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of supervisor support on the relationship between the need to be unique and the innovative behavior. People not only strive to belong to a group but also want to be unique from others and feel exceptional. Individuals’ innovative behavior is one of the things that makes them feel different from other people. Because developing a new idea, supporting this idea, putting this idea into practice, and the positive achievements of (...)
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    The Effect of Abdullah Cevdet on the Mustafa Kemal and Education and Culture of Early Republican Period.Mustafa GÜNDÜZ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1067-1088.
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    Türk Dili'nin Meseleleri Karşısında Kemal Tahir.Mustafa Uluçay - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):2079-2079.
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    Milli Mücadele’de Mustafa Kemal İle Papa Mektuplaşması.Zeki ÇEVİK - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:219-226.
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    Ataturk; A Biography of Mustafa Kemal, Father of Modern Turkey.G. F. H. & Lord Kinross - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):611.
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    Çanakkale Cephesinde Mustafa Kemal.İlbeyi Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):553-553.
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    Birinci Dünya Savaşı Döneminde Mustafa Kemal Paşanın Bitlisteki Faaliyetleri.Abdulaziz Kardaş - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 5):229-229.
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    Milli Mücadele’de Amasya’nın Tercih Edilme Nedenleri ve Amasya Tamimine Giden Süreç.Girayalp Karakush - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):109-126.
    30 Ekim 1918’de Mondros Mütarekesinin imzalanmasından sonra yaşanan süreçte İstanbul başta olmak üzere Anadolu’nun pek çok yeri İtilaf Devletleri tarafından işgal edildi. İşgallere bir süre sessiz kalan Türk halkı, İzmir’in Yunanistan tarafından işgal edilmesi ile üzerindeki ölü toprağını üzerinden attı ve yurdun çeşitli yerlerinde bu işgalleri protesto eden mitinglere katıldı. Bu arada Osmanlı bürokrat ve aydınlarında çeşitli büyük ülkelerin mandalığını kabul eden fikirler de vardı. Ancak başta Mustafa Kemal Paşa olmak üzere Kazım Karabekir, Fethi Okyar, Ali Fuat Cebesoy (...)
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    Kent Kültürü ve Kentlilik Bilinci: Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Örneği.Esat İlter - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):222-243.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, kent kültürü ve kentlilik bilincinin gelişmesi noktasında kentin merkezi ve yerel yönetimlerine ait kurum ve kuruluşlarının, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi akademik personelini ne derecede dikkate aldıklarını belirlemek, akademik personelin kent kültürü ve kentlilik bilincinin gelişimi konusundaki algı düzeylerini ortaya çıkarmak ve araştırma bulgularına dayalı olarak önerilerde bulunmaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma evrenini, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi’nde görev yapan 1.086 akademik personel oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmaya Erzincan ilçelerinde bulunan yüksekokul ve meslek yüksekokulları zaman darlığı ve ulaşım zorluklarından dolayı dahil edilmemiştir. Gerek yerleşkede (...)
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    Political Goals and Social Ideals: Dewey, Democracy, and the Emergence of the Turkish Republic.Charles Dorn & Doris A. Santoro - 2011 - Education and Culture 27 (2):3-27.
    Only months following the declaration of the Turkish Republic in October 1923, Turkey’s newly appointed Minister of Public Instruction, Sefa Bey, invited U.S. philosopher and educator John Dewey to survey his fledgling country’s educational system. Having just emerged from a brutal war for independence, Turkey was beginning a process of rapid modernization under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal “Atatürk,” and government officials looked to Dewey for recommendations on how to make Turkish schools agencies of social reform that would (...)
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  14. Positivism and Tradition in an Islamic Perspective: Kemalism.Mohammed Arkoun - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (127):82-100.
    — Y.K. Karaosmanoglu: "General, this party has no doctrine...".— Mustafa Kemal: "Of course it hasn't, my son; if we had a doctrine, we would paralyze the movement”.The many studies, articles, essays, conferences and seminars dedicated to the personality and the work of Mustafa Kemal are still far from having exhausted an area of knowledge with many facets, a historical reality with unending extensions. By studying the apologetic literature about the civilizing hero and a historiography which is (...)
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    Unity vs. Uniformity: The Influence of Ziya Gökalp and John Dewey on the Education System of the Republic of Turkey.Raşit Çelik - 2014 - Education and Culture 30 (1):17-37.
    Once the Ottoman Empire collapsed, a new Turkish state was established after a struggle for national freedom. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,1 aimed to develop a western-like democratic state for the people of the remaining Empire, even though he could have become the next sultan. All stages necessary for the emergence of a new state had already been fulfilled before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and the establishment of the Turkish Republic was the (...)
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    Radical changes in the Muslim world: Turkey, Iran, Egypt.Fred Dallmayr - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):497-506.
    This article discusses radical changes in the Muslim world during the last hundred years. The main emphasis is on the tension between secularism and religious authority and the prospect of political democracy. The article starts from Toynbee’s assumption that social-political change is a response to a preceding condition. Three countries are compared. Modern Turkey emerged in the 1920s from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire and its traditionalist outlook. Under Mustafa Kemal, Turkey was transformed into a radically secular (...)
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    The Foundations of Social Cohesion: Théophile Funck-Brentano’s Theory of Social Morality.Neslihan Er - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):161-179.
    Théophile Funck-Brentano (1830-1906) is recognized as a French philosopher and sociologist. He made significant contributions by focusing on moral philosophy, law, and social issues. As one of the pioneers of the sociology of law, Funck-Brentano’s works include an analysis of human nature and society, reflecting the innovative ideas of his time. Although his name is not frequently mentioned today, his contributions, especially legal sociology and moral philosophy, are considered highly valuable. In his theories, the relationship between society and the individual, (...)
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    Mütercimi Meçhul Bir Kasîde-i Bürde Tercümesi.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):211-245.
    Qaṣeeda-i Burdah written by Egyptian sufi poet Busīrī (d. 695/1296) as an eulogy for Beloved Messenger Moḥammed has received great attention in the Islamic world. This work has been recited both in cultural/social ceremonies such as weddings, holidays and funerals. On the other hand, it was also annotated, translated, and takhmīs, tesdīs, tesbī‘ and taşṭīr were written to it by the pen of scholars and litterateurs in literary circles. These activities, which have been carried out over and over again, has (...)
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    Commentary of Meḥmed Said on Qaside-i Khamriyya: Ṭarab-angiz.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):395-413.
    Qaside-i Khamriyya (meaning Wine Eulogy) of sufi poet Ibn-i Fārıḍ, in which he explained divine love through the metaphor of wine, attracted great attention in Islamic world and was translated into Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Scholars such as Davud-i Qayseri (d. 751 AH/1350 AD), Kemal Pashazāde (d. 940 AH/1534 AD), Abdulghani an-Nablusi (d. 1143 AH/1731 AD), Ibn Acibe (d. 1224 AH/1809 AD) explained this eulogy in Arabic, while poets such as Ali b. Shihābiddin al-Hamadāni (d. 786 AH/1385 AD), Molla (...)
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    فتح الجليل على عبده الذَّليل في بيان ما ورد في الاستخلاف في الجمعة من الأقاويل لنوح بن مصطفى القونوي (ت:1070هـ/1660م) دراسة وتحقيق. [REVIEW]Hamza Kheli̇fati̇ - 2019 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 7 (11):194-206.
    Bu çalı ş mada Nuh b. Mustafa el-Konevi’nin “fethu'l-celil alâ abdihi'z-zelîl fî beyâni mâ verede fi'l-istihlâf fi'l-cümü'ati mine'l-ekâvil ” adlı risalesinin tahkikli çalı ş ması yapıldı. Büyük bir alim ve fakih olan müellifimiz zamanın Konya müftüsüdür. Mısır’a tabli ğ ve ilmi faaliyetlerini gerçekleçtirmek için hicret ettikten sonra orada vefat etmi ş tir. İ lmi alanlarda bir çok gayreti vardır. Özellikle fıkıh ve fıkıh usulü sahasında önemli eserlere imza atmı ş tır. Söz konusu bu risale, süleymaniye kütüphanesine ba ğ lı (...)
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    Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Al'î’ye Nispet Edilen Şerḥ-i İr'de-i cüzʾiyye’nin Aidiyeti Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme.Mustafa Borsbuğa - 2021 - Atebe 6:121-159.
    Çalışma, Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Alâî’ye (ö. 1234/1818) nispet edilen Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesinin ona aidiyeti üzerine yoğunlaşacaktır. Muhammed b. Mustafa el-Alâî’nin kendisine ait olduğunu söylediği ve ona nispet edilen Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesi aslında Dâvûd-i Karsî’nin (ö. 1169/1756) Risâle fi’l-iḫtiyârâti’l-cüzʾiyye ve’l-irâdâti’l-ḳalbiyye adlı risâlesinin kısmen değiştirilmiş bir versiyonudur. Alâî, Karsî’nin risâlesinden ihtiyaç duymadığı bazı bağlam ve konuları çıkararak ve gerekli gördüğü bazı başlıkları da Ebû Saîd el-Hâdimî’nin (ö. 1176/1762) el-Berîḳatu’l-maḥmûdiyye eserinden eklemeler yaparak oluşturduğu Şerḥ-i İrâde-i cüzʾiyye risâlesi, içerik açısından (...)
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  22. Review of Islamist Thinkers in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic. [REVIEW]Mehmet Karabela - 2017 - Insight Turkey 19 (1):225-27.
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    İbn Kemal'de metafizik.Kemal Sözen - 2001 - Isparta [Turkey]: Fakülte Kitabevi.
    Kemalpaşzade, 1468 or 9-1534; Islamic scholar and historian.
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  24. Nîştimanî felsefe: geştêk legeł D. Miḧemed Kemal.Miḧemed Kemal - 2014 - [Sulaimani, Iraqi Kurdistan?]: Taran. Edited by Herêm ʻUsman.
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    The Evaluation of Fir'sah Narration According to Ahl al-Sunnah and Shia in the Context of Common Hadiths II: Shiite Narrations.Mustafa Tatli - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):781-805.
    The common narrations in the main hadith books in the tradition of Ahl as-Sunnah and Shia are an essential subject of examination in determining the relations within and between sects. In the significant part of these narrations, the two madhhabs differ by attributing different meanings to the common hadiths. It is understood that Shia's practices such as walaya, the necessity of the imam, being innocent and muhaddath of the imams are proven especially in the common hadiths related to the principles (...)
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    Ari̇stoteles'te en yüksek entelektüel erdem.Kemal Batak - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (33).
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    Yozgat-Akdağmaden Redif Teşkilatı Debboy Binası.Sultan Murat Topçu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1033-1033.
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  28. Development of objective criteria to evaluate the authenticity of revelation.Tariq Mustafa - 2008 - Zygon 43 (3):737-744.
    Science has been dazzlingly successful in explaining nature. Scientific advances also have led to certain undesirable, though unintended, side effects, one of which is alienation from the spiritual. Revelation comes from the Divine. But what is the status of authenticity of a particular piece claimed to be revelation? What is its historical validity and current state of preservation? This essay proposes to develop a list of rational criteria, in consultation with all stakeholders, for addressing the subject. The aim is to (...)
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    Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Its Relationship With Death Attitudes and Coping Styles Among Hungarian, Norwegian, and Turkish Psychology Students.Kemal Oker, Melinda Reinhardt & Ágoston Schmelowszky - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate mental effects of coronavirus disease 2019 and its relationship with death attitudes and coping styles among Hungarian, Norwegian, and Turkish psychology students. A total of 388 participants from Hungary, Norway, and Turkey were recruited during the pandemic. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, the Carver Brief COPE Inventory, and the Death Attitude Profile-Revised were used. The results indicated that escape acceptance might be the most maladaptive death attitude (...)
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    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İstanbul'a İlişkin Algılarının Şehir İmajı Açısından Analizi.Mustafa SAĞDIÇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1267-1267.
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  31. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın Hikayeler ve Etkinliklerle Değerler Eğitimi Seti I-II’nin Din Eğitimi Açısından İncelenmesi.Rahime Betül Topçu & Semra Çinemre - 2024 - Atebe 12:119-150.
    Ülkemiz yayın sektöründe farklı yaş seviyelerinden çocuklara hitap eden dinî muhtevalı çeşitli çocuk kitapları bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de din hizmetlerini resmî olarak yürüten kurum olan Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı da bu alanda çeşitli kitaplar hazırlatmakta ve Kur’an kurslarında bu kaynakların materyal olarak kullanılmasını beklemektedir. Bu çalışmada Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nca okul öncesi çocuklara yönelik hazırlatılan materyallerden biri olan Hikâyeler ve Etkinliklerle Değerler Eğitimi Seti I-II çocuğun din eğitimini destekleme durumu açısından incelenecektir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin benimsendiği çalışmada doküman incelemesi yolu tercih edilmiştir. Çalışmanın örneklemi ise (...)
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    İsyan ahlâkı: notlu Nurettin Topçu tercümesi ve eski harfli orijinali.Nurettin Topçu - 2015 - Sultanahmet, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları. Edited by İsmail Kara, Mehmet Fatih Birgül & Rıdvan Özdinç.
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    Turkish Literature In Europe And America.Hayrunisa Topçu - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:701-734.
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  34. Bourdieu and organizational analysis.Mustafa Emirbayer & Victoria Johnson - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (1):1-44.
    Despite some promising steps in the right direction, organizational analysis has yet to exploit fully the theoretical and empirical possibilities inherent in the writings of Pierre Bourdieu. While certain concepts associated with his thought, such as field and capital, are already widely known in the organizational literature, the specific ways in which these terms are being used provide ample evidence that the full significance of his relational mode of thought has yet to be sufficiently apprehended. Moreover, the almost complete inattention (...)
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  35. Islam and the four principles of medical ethics.Yassar Mustafa - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (7):479-483.
    The principles underpinning Islam's ethical framework applied to routine clinical scenarios remain insufficiently understood by many clinicians, thereby unfortunately permitting the delivery of culturally insensitive healthcare. This paper summarises the foundations of the Islamic ethical theory, elucidating the principles and methodology employed by the Muslim jurist in deriving rulings in the field of medical ethics. The four-principles approach, as espoused by Beauchamp and Childress, is also interpreted through the prism of Islamic ethical theory. Each of the four principles is investigated (...)
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    Dillerde Yapısal Kimliğin Belirlenmesi.Mustafa Sarica - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1817-1817.
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    The Method Of Tahrîj In Answerıng Contemporary Fıqh Problems: The Example Of The Fatwas Of The Hıgh Board Of Relıgıous Affaırs.Mustafa Bülent Dadaş - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):90-106.
    In this study, the tahrîj method, which is used in answering contemporary Fiqh issues throughout the history of Fiqh, will be described and some sample fatwas given by the High Board of Religious Affairs based on this method will be analysed. Tahrîj is firstly to define the procedural and legal principles on which the singular views of a madhhab imam is based on, and then to determine the verdict of the issues in which an opinion from that imam is not (...)
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    Some Aspects Of Cognitive- Linguistic Interpretation Of Turkic Language Concept.Abdulla Kemal - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:35-45.
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    Lawyers’ Paradox.Mustafa M. Dagli - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:45-53.
    Justice is an important concept in philosophy since ancient times and a key phenomenon in human life (in societies). First a judge at a court, two sides, their witnesses, Lawyer-A and Lawyer-B are considered in this quasi-essay inquiry. Then pointed out that, which lawyer better develops his/her arguments, his/her side will be advantageous. Reality conceals on the one side, truth (and rightness) stands on the other. However this will be risky in social life; it may be understood by an ordinary (...)
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    1980 Sonrası Türk Öykücülüğünde Cemil Kavukçu ve Temmuz Suçlu Adlı Öykü Kitabının Tutunamayan Karakt.Kemal Erol - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):867-867.
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    Fıtrat Hadisi'nin Osmanlının Devşirme S.Mustafa IŞIK - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):309-332.
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    İlköğretim Öğrencilerin Doğa Kavramına İlişkin Algılarının Metafor Yoluyla İncelenmesi.Mustafa Kahyaoğlu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):831-831.
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    Taaşşuk-ı Talat ve Fıtnat, Felatun Bey ile Rakım Efendi ve Araba Sevdası Romanlarına Göre 19. Yüzyıl.Mustafa Solmaz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):835-835.
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    Üstün Yetenekli İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Gelişimleri.Mustafa SÜRÜCÜ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):801-801.
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    I Want to Read Dede Korkut, But..Mustafa Uğurlu - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:129-137.
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    Oghuz Turkic and Anatolia based Turkish.Mustafa Uğurlu - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:123-156.
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    Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The Hermeneutical Import of the Critique of Judgment.Salim Kemal - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4):388-390.
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    Extending Hospitality: Giving Space, Taking Time.Mustafa Dikeç, Nigel Clark & Clive Barnett - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (1):1-14.
    The recent revival of the theme of hospitality in the humanities and social sciences reflects a shared concern with issues of belonging, identity and placement that arises out of the experience of globalized social life. In this context, migration — or spatial dislocation and relocation — is often equated with demands for hospitality. There is a need to engage more carefully with the ‘proximities’ that prompt acts of hospitality and inhospitality; to attend more closely to their spatial and temporal dimensions. (...)
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    The Poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna.Salim Kemal - 1991 - Brill.
    This book is an original and important study of philosophical issues in medieval Arabic poetics. Examining the commentaries on Aristotle's Poetics by Avicenna in the context of Aristotle's logical theory, the author shows how the philosophers justified the logical and moral power of poetic discourse.
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    The Philosophical Poetics of Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroës: The Aristotelian Reception.Salim Kemal - 2003 - Psychology Press.
    This book examines the studies of Aristotle's Poetics and related texts in which three Medieval philosophers proposed a conception of poetic validity (beauty), and a just relation between subjects in a community (goodness).
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